Continuing with my Lunar Helium 3 mining project this image shows the Helium 3 Transport Vehicle. Each one of the huge harvesting platforms has a fleet of 6 H3TV's which can hold a huge amount of refined Helium 3 ferrying it between the constantly moving behemoths to the transport docks dotted around the Lunar surface. Each of these vehicles will make around 6 trips a day and a fully automated but still hold a small crew for safety and maintenance reasons.
Like the giant harvester these vehicles are fitted with polarising plating which prevents the course and dangerous Lunar dust from sticking to the hull and damaging components, despite these methods each vehicle has to undergo a total deep clean once every month to prevent massive systems failure, to make sure the Helium 3 keeps rolling in on time a stand by fleet of H3TV's are located at each transport dock.
The vehicles have a top speed of 20 mph and are powered by small fusion reactors.